Even Though it’s All “Ogre”, Catch the Highlights of Shrek The Musical

Princess Fiona (Taylor Sternberg), Shrek (Cries Cryer), and Donkey (Will Davis) sing happily with fairy tale creatures

On March 7th, 12th, 13th, and 14t,h Lenape High School showed everyone their production of Shrek The Musical. As usual it was greeted with much enthusiasm.The audience responded well to the subtle jokes intertwined throughout the play, laughing at all the correct places, and although 2 out of 5 tech rehearsals were cancelled due to inclement weather the cast managed to pull off 6 excellent shows.

Shrek the Musical follows the story line of Shrek the movie, with a hint of a twist. The story parallels the life of an ogre, Shrek, who is sent away from home as a child to fend in the world by himself and Princess Fiona, who is locked away in a tower until her prince finds her, similarly all by herself. Through a chance of fate, Shrek is sent on a journey, along with his sidekick Donkey, to recover Princess Fiona for Lord Farquad, the manipulative king of Duloc. Although their journey is everything but simple, Shrek and Fiona end up falling in love and realize that beauty is in the eye of the beholder as Fiona takes her true form as an ogre.

chris and taylor
Fiona is awoken by Shrek
craig and taylor
Lord Farquad rides off happily with Princess Fiona









Leads Chris Cryer, Taylor Sternberg, Will Davis, and Craig Lauer went above and beyond all expectations in their respective roles as Shrek, Fiona, Donkey, and Lord Farquad. Every moment they were on stage they embodied their characters, even the minute details such as constant little hair flicks from Craig to portray Lord Farquad’s egotistical attitude.

Musical director, Linda Hammond, felt that this production was going to be challenging due to the “immense group participation needed,” but she knew if the cast could pull it off, it would bring the community to see it and all be worthwhile.

For Ms. Hammond, even though this was her 43rd time directing a Lenape musical,  the process to plan out the details takes up the whole year as she must go through the script several times while also checking out many different productions of the show.

“The musical was hilarious and the characters were cast perfectly. Watching, I could see all the hard work put into the production and it was very professional,” gushed Radhe Bangad (’17). In the end it was evident the countless hours spent preparing for the musical were worth it.

Shrek also boasted numerous songs and dance numbers which turned out to be crowd favorites. Dana Morris (’15) took the back breaking job of choreographing for all these numbers and must be awarded a big round of applause for her fantastic job. One number, “Welcome to Duloc”, introduced the audience to the kingdom of Duloc with an adorable dance by identical Duloc dolls in blue and red inflatable outfits and yellow pig tail hats. The number was accompanied by Lord Farquad in  song, explaining how he has made Duloc a better place by ridding the town of all “freaks”. The laughter from the audience at scenes such as these was uncontrollable!

The audience was totally mesmerised, “I completely loved Shrek because all the songs and dances were so entertaining!” commented Cecily Morhfeld (’17).

There were beautiful costumes ranging from Fiona’s princess and wedding gown to the adorable suits of the tapping rats in the enchanted forest. The costumes were captivating, but the wonderful sets completed the whole picture. The hand painted sets were created by Lenape’s own Mr. Bernard Boggs along with theater alumni Ben Kirvan’s father, Mr. Chris Kirvan, and painted by Mrs. Margaret Zuno who donated hours and hours of their personal time to work behind the scenes.

Chemistry teacher Mrs. Nicole Gabehart exclaimed, “The sets seemed so professional that I could have believed they were bought!”

Without so much support from the Lenape staff and family members, these productions would not be possible. The revenue made during the musical goes back to fund another year of performances which allow the hard working cast to show off their love for theater.

“The musical is challenging because I am constantly pushed to do my best and be committed, but it is such an amazing experience, “noted Isabel Anthony (’17). “I am looking forward so much to next year’s production.”

Don’t be upset that this year’s production of the musical is all ogre! You can still gather all your friends and family and catch the fall play which has been rumored to be The Night of the Living Dead or next year’s musical, Mary Poppins.

Shrek tell his story
fairy tale people
Fairy Tale Creatures sing elatedly









more chris
Shrek opens up the musical