Harry Potter Play to Hit Book Stands As Well

It’s here: the thing we’ve all been waiting for, an 8th Harry Potter book. It’s just not coming in the form some of us expected or even hoped for.

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J.K. Rowling’s eighth installment of the wondrous adventure adventure and world that is Harry Potter is coming in the form of a written play, titled “The Cursed Child.” Though many fans were expecting another novel, Rowling is delivering the continuation of the magical story in the form of a play because “The Cursed Child” is set to be a two-part play performed in London towards the end of July. Rowling, elusive as ever, is keeping the reasons why she made this decision under wraps. Perhaps, though, she thought the story needed to continue on a different platform. After all, since the book is going to be transformed into a play, there will not be a movie adaptation.

Though this news may seem discouraging to some fans that thrived on midnight book releases followed by corresponding midnight movie premieres, it is still marvelous that Rowling is blessing us with something that was only ever a meek idea five years ago when the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the last movie, came out. Former Harry Potter fanatic, Emily Hulbert (‘16) was a positive fan claiming, “that’s awesome.Oh my god, I’m so excited!” When I shared the wonderful news with her.

J.K. Rowling keeps the details to the bare minimum but those she has shared are definitely exciting. The story of “The Cursed Child” supposedly picks up right where Rowling left it, (spoiler alert) nineteen years after the Battle of Hogwarts with Harry Potter and his happy family. It is set to revolve mainly around Albus Potter, Harry’s youngest son, and the struggles he faces of continuing the legacy of the Potter family he was born into.

That is enough to have me marking my calendar of the release date and counting down the days till I get to see the next magical chapter in the Harry Potter story, no matter if it’s a book or a play.