Lenape Debate Team Places 2nd in its Division!

From Left to Right: Andrew Pai (’18), Arianna Bragman (’18), Isabel Chacko (’17), Megha Bharadwaj (’17), Srishti Dhar (’17), Maithri Goud (’16), Veronica Bautista (’18), Sanjana Jampana (’18), Aria Murray (’18), and Robyn Kiernan (’17). Photographed by Jaime Fauver
A few weeks ago, Lenape Varsity Debate picked up a trophy for second in its division! From the beginning of December to the end of February, Lenape’s debate team, led by Coach Jaime Fauver, competed every Wednesday at Moorestown High School.
Each week, the affirmative team presented a plan which directly dealt with the resolve while the negative team from another school would try to pick out flaws in the plan. Lenape’s negative team would then do the same with another school’s affirmative team. This year’s resolve was : The United States Federal Government should substantially curtail its domestic surveillance.
Every team consists of two people, and each person must give an 8 minute speech defending his arguments and refuting the other team’s arguments. There is also a cross-examination segment of the debate which consists of questions that are asked and answered between the two teams. The debate concludes with a four minute closing speech from every team member.
If this form of debate appeals to you or you simply think arguing is cool, come out next fall and join the debate team! The resolve for the 2016-2017 season is : The United States Federal Government should substantially increase its economic and/or diplomatic engagement with the People’s Republic of China.