Hallway Decorating: Battle of the Biomes

This past week, Lenape’s four classes have been battling to prove who has the most school spirit. Students dressed up in amazing and creative costumes for the themed days, such as Decades Day, Country vs. Country Club Day, etc., and gave their all in the Pep Rally on Pride Day. However, one of Lenape’s biggest traditions is hallway decorating. All the classes put their hard work into making their hallway the best it could be to earn points for their grade. This year, the school’s theme was biomes, which included the desert for freshmen, tundra for sophomores, savanna for juniors, and jungle for seniors. Let’s take a look at some of the decorations the students created for each hallway:




Desert (Freshmen):

They included many different elements in their hallway, with the addition of Aladdin, pyramids, cacti, and mermaids (as part of their oasis).








Tundra (Sophomores):

They created a winter wonderland for students to walk through. Anything wintry you could think of, they had it! There were Zootopia and Frozen characters and snowflakes galore.








Savanna (Juniors):

They had tons of eye-catching murals that made it feel like you were in a savanna. They also had designs from The Lion King and Madagascar.








Jungle (Seniors):

The immense amounts of green color, flowers, animals, and insects created a beautiful jungle scene. There were vines hanging from the walls and little stuffed animals decorating the hallway.







All of the classes did such a wonderful job with their hallways, but, of course, one class must be awarded the Spirit Stick. Following the Pep Rally, seniors took first, followed by juniors, sophomores, then freshmen. Congratulations to the Class of 2023, and great job to all of the students who participated!